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In case you are wondering how you ended up on the Dallas Rose Society Website... as all good projects represent a collaboration, this Convention does as well. Pam Smith of the Dallas Rose Society is both Webmaster and Registrar so here you are. Any questions about registration or the website can be directed to Pam.

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2023 ARS National Rose Convention

May 5th-7th, 2023
The American Rose Center
Shreveport, LA

Register Now and Come Home to America’s Rose Garden

Carrie Bergs, Convention Co-chair


It’s “Time for Roses” and, almost time to “Come Home to America’s Rose Garden” for the 2023 National Convention and Rose Show May 5-7 at the American Rose Center in Shreveport. The convention committee has put together an eclectic educational and schedule of speakers, workshops and social events that will enlighten and entertain you throughout the weekend. From the rose show to heritage and sustainable roses to the latest developments in rose hybridizing to photo and arrangement workshops to celebrity rose trial judging and the “Taste of Louisiana” event there is something of interest for everyone!


Most of the programs and events will be held in the unique setting of the American Rose Center giving everyone the opportunity to see the headquarters of the American Rose Society, meet our enthusiastic, hardworking staff and view the amazing results of the Great Garden Restoration project.  Just a whiff of the roses combined with the crisp scent of the vast Louisiana pine forest that surrounds the American Rose Center will make you glad you came! From the ARC we move to the Shreveport Convention Center for Saturday evening’s rose auction and awards banquet. On Sunday, buses will depart from the Hilton Hotel for the daylong special “Roses & Steel Magnolias” excursion detailed in the accompanying article.


In addition to our line up-of notable speakers and programs the Convention offers several unique features and activities:


  • The first 145 registrants receive the beautiful McFarland rose given to the American Rose Society by Star Roses and the House of Meilland and grown for the convention by Steve Roussell.

  • For first time in many years, the National Rose trophies will be on display, giving challenge class winners the opportunity to have their photo taken with the actual trophy.

  • Our Friday night homecoming event “Home on the Bayou” features Cajun cuisine and a popular jazz, blues and “swamp pop “band, Professor Porkchop and the Dishes.

  • All convention-goers will have the opportunity to serve as celebrity judges for our newly designated International Rose Trial Garden at the American Rose Center. Roses entering their final Judging this year include 17 roses from 3 countries.   From all votes cast, the winner will be designated the “People’s Choice” and will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Saturday night.

  • The “Famous, Rare and Heritage Rose Auction” on Saturday night will no doubt be a crowd pleaser with roses supplied and auctioned by John Bagnasco, President of the California Coastal Rose Society and renowned rose preservationist.  His informative, entertaining auction format is sure to generate lots of friendly competition and generous bids on his collection of exclusive roses.


The complete convention schedule and registration form can be found on the ARS website and in the January/ February issue of American Rose.  Also, join the “Time for Roses” Facebook group for photos, updates, and to see who’s coming. Registration is requested by April 5.


As they say in Louisiana…

Laissez les bons temps rouler (lay say lay bohn tohn roo lay)

Let the Good Times Roll!

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